

From the iso2mesh site: iso2mesh is a free matlab/ octave-based mesh generation and processing toolbox. It can create 3D tetrahedral finite element (FE) mesh from surfaces, 3D binary and gray-scale volumetric images such as segmented MRI/CT scans.


  • 0.8.0

Authorized Users

  • CIRCE account holders
  • RRA account holders
  • SC account holders


  • CIRCE cluster
  • RRA cluster
  • SC cluster


Iso2mesh requires the following module file to run:

  • apps/iso2mesh/0.8.0

Running Iso2mesh on CIRCE/SC

The Iso2mesh user guide is essential to understanding the application and making the most of it. The guide and this page should help you to get started with your simulations. Please refer to the Documentation section for a link to the guide.

  • Note on CIRCE: Make sure to run your jobs from your $WORK directory!
  • Note: Scripts are provided as examples only. Your SLURM executables, tools, and options may vary from the example below. For help on submitting jobs to the queue, see our SLURM User’s Guide.

Submitting Jobs

Since iso2mesh is a Matlab toolbox, please see the Matlab documentation in order to submit Matlab jobs.


Home Page, User Guides, and Manuals

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs with Iso2mesh to the IT Help Desk: