
When logged-in to RRA, you can easily check your disk space and file count quota with the command "rra-myquota". Running the command will produce the following output:

[user@rra-login0 ~]$ rra-myquota

RC Filesystem Current Quota Utilization:
Date: Sat Nov  5 16:37:53 EDT 1955

Filesystem  Space Used  Space Quota  File Count  File Count Quota
/home       27.97 GiB   200.00 GiB   143598      409600            
/work       662.07 GiB  2.00 TiB     9025        626600            

For more information about the data above, please refer to the manual page using the command:  man rra-myquota


This will show you all of your existing Space/File Count quotas on the filesystems that you have access to. More information can be found at the manual page for rra-myquota using the command:

[user@login0 ~]$ man rra-myquota