PGI Compilers

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From the PGI Home Page: The Portland Group (a.k.a. PGI) is a premier supplier of software compilers and tools for parallel computing, known as PGI® products.


  • 12.2

Authorized Users

  • CIRCE account holders
  • RRA account holders
  • SC account holders


  • CIRCE cluster
  • RRA cluster
  • SC cluster


PGI Compilers requires the following module file to run:

  • compilers/pgi/12.2

Installing PGI Compilers on your Linux Workstation

If you want to use the PGI compilers from your Linux workstation then you should follow the instructions below. This allows you to run the compilers on your own computer instead of having to log into one of our clusters. The binary generated should work without modification on the cluster. You will need a license.dat file. If you are a researcher at USF please request a license through our license request form at

  1. If you have a previous version of pgi installed you will still need to do a complete reinstall. It is suggested that you move the current install directory to a back up directory to save any local modifications. These modifications will have to be performed manually on the new directory.
  2. Download from (32/64 bit version).
  3. The tarfile unpacks the files into the current directory, so it is suggested that you make a separate directory for instance, /usr/local/src/pgi
  4. Move the tarfile to the directory that you created in step 3 and unpack it with the command:
    • tar xvfz pgilinux-XXX.tar.gz
  5. From the directory where you unpacked the tar file run the installation script with the command:
    • ./install
  6. Accept the license agreement
  7. Accept the ACML if you wish and you are installing the 64 bit version
  8. Choose the installation directory. You can use the default (/usr/pgi) or choose your own (example: /usr/local/pgi). Whichever you choose use that directory for the rest of these instructions.
  9. Do not create an evaluation license.
  10. Do not make the files read only unless you need to.
  11. Put the file license.dat into the installation directory created in step 6.
  12. Add install_directory_path/linux86/X.X/bin to your path. Or if you may make links from the linux86 directory to the linux86/X.X directory and then add just the linux86/bin directory to your path. This is particularly useful if you are reinstalling, as your users will not have to change their path settings. You should also link the include, lib, liblf, doc, EXAMPLE, man directories in a similar fashion.
  13. Add the variable PGI set equal to the install directory from 6 to your environment for instance in csh add the line below to your .cshrc file. (Other shells will vary.):
    • setenv PGI /usr/local/pgi
  14. Set the flexlm license file variable below to your .cshrc file. (Other shells will vary.)
    • setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/local/pgi/license.dat
  15. Log out and log in, or source your rc files to update your path then try the following commands to test your installation. Note that the x.c and x.f files need not exist, and the error messages that get generated because of this are ok.

PGI Compiler List

  • pgf77 -V x.f
  • pgf90 -V x.f
  • pghpf -V x.f
  • pgCC -V x.c
  • pgcc -V x.c

You should get results like:

some output
PGC-F-0002-Unable to open source input file: x.c
PGC/x86-64 Linux/x86-64 6.0-5: compilation aborted
pgcc-Fatal-ccompile completed with exit code 1

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs with PGI Compilers to the IT Help Desk: