[[:Template:Main Page]]
Research Computing - Documentation
Please contact rc-help@usf.edu if there are any discrepancies with the documentation provided.
Updated regularly to provide information on changes to our resources, maintenance periods, downtimes, etc.
Cluster allocation and priorities
How Research Computing implements priorities based upon contribution status, via the condominium model.
Job Scheduling
The Guide to the SLURM installation at USF is located here
Linux Tutorials
A list of Linux how-to tutorials is located here.
HPC Basics
Below are some links to help information about High Performance Computing (HPC):
- What is High Performance Computing?
- Do I Need High Performance Computing?
- Which Hardware Platform Should I Use?
- What Software is Available?
- Who Can Use the Resources?
- What is the condominium model?
System Information
The following links provide information on how to access our systems as well as technical information about the different systems available. Various how-tos and tutorials are also available.
In addition, on-boarding training sessions (for on-boarding entire research groups to CIRCE for the first time) are available by request of the group's faculty sponsor.
Software and Libraries
Below are links listing the software currently (and soon to be) available on CIRCE, as well as Development tools and the Modules tool:
- Available Applications
- Current Software Projects
- Development Tools & Libraries
- modules: A modular environment management tool