SC Data Archiving

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Storing and Archiving Data on SC

Research computing is committed to partnering with researchers, faculty, and students to ensure computational resources are available and reliable for our community. It is important for everyone to understand the proper usage, and limitations on our storage systems. The basic levels of storage offered through Research Computing, as outlined below, are provided to USF faculty/students on the SC cluster. However, these resources are not unlimited, and there must be quotas set to provide reliable availability and access.

Directories and usage

The following lists the directories, their intended usage, and the limitations:

  • Home Directory (/home): Storage of data. The home directories have a 45G size limit per user.
  • Group Shares Directory (/shares): Storage of data and files that is intended to be shared with others in a class group. The shares directories have a 10GB size limit with a maximum of 61,400 files/directories.
    • PLEASE NOTE: /home or /shares directories on SC are NOT backed up at all: users must ensure that all important data is archived on a non-SC source (ie: external hard drive, local workstation, cloud storage, etc).

Checking Your Disk Space Quotas

When logged-in to CIRCE, you can easily check your disk space and file count quota with the command "myquota". Running the command will produce the following output::

[user@login0 ~]$ myquota

RC Filesystem Current Quota Utilization:
Date: Sat Nov  5 16:37:53 EDT 1955

Filesystem        Space Used  Space Quota  % of Quota  File Count  File Count Quota  % of Quota 
CIRCE /home       27.97 GB    200.00 GB    14%         335683      512000            66% 
CIRCE /shares     9.21 MB     2.00 TB      0%          45374       626000            7% 
CIRCE /work       662.07 GB   2.00 TB      33%         267530      691200            44% 
CIRCE /work_bgfs  618.00 GiB  2.00 TiB     31%         9025        626600            1%

For more information about the data above, please refer to the manual page using the command:  man myquota

This will show you all of your existing Space/File Count quotas on the filesystems that you have access to. More information can be found at the manual page for myquota using the command:

[user@login0 ~]$ man myquota

If you need more help with archiving files, please contact Research Computing at