SLURM Partitions
SLURM Partitions
It is really no longer necessary to discuss queues in the traditional sense. In the past, we would create queues based on pools of hardware resources. If a user wanted to utilize a particular hardware resource, he or she would request the appropriate queue. Most times, however, what the user wants and what is best for the user or what is best for all users are not necessarily the same. Allowing individuals to dictate where their jobs will run will inevitably lead to throughput problems since it would be unreasonable to expect the users to understand the complete state and behavior of the scheduler.
Below is a general description of how jobs make their way through the queue. Please see Scheduling and Dispatch Policy for more information.
When a user submits a job to a specific partiton, the scheduler determines if the requested hardware/time requirements of the job (see Using Features) match up with the resources the partition provides. If it does, the job is executed if there are available resources. If there are no available resources, the job will be held until the next scheduler iteration, to see if resources have become available.
“Available resources” include processors and memory. Processors generally match up to the number of slots in a given queue while memory is defined as a complex value which may not be so obvious to query. If your job is waiting in the qw
state, it is likely that either the slots requested or the memory requested are beyond what the system can provide at that particular point in time.
CIRCE Partition Layout
The following partitions (aka queues) are available on CIRCE:
Current QOS' configuration and limits
Per Partition Hardware
Queue Name | Max Runtime | QOS' Required | Description (Preempt Grace Period) | Operating System | $WORK file system path | Notes |
amd_2021 | 1 week | none | AMD 2021 hardware purchase | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | |
amdwoods_2022 | Per QOS | amdwoods22, physics22, preempt | Physics 2022 hardware purchase | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | Joint hardware purchase within Physics |
bfbsm_2019 | Per QOS | bfbsm19, preempt | BFBSM_2019 hardware purchase | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | *See Preemption Guidelines for more info |
cbcs | Per QOS | fawcett_access, preempt | CBCS/Engineering queue | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | |
charbonnier_2022 | Per QOS | charbonnier22, preempt | Physics 2022 hardware purchase | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | Joint hardware purchase within Physics |
chbme_2018 | Per QOS | chbme18, sim18, preempt | Chemical Engineering GPU nodes | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | 3 GPU's (GTX 1080 Ti) per node. Uses Omni-Path. |
circe | 1 week | none | default general-purpose queue | RHEL 7.4 | /work | The default general-use partition if no partition is specified |
cms_ocg | Per QOS | cms_ocg | CMS OCG nodes | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | Limited to College of Marine Science OCG only |
cool2022 | Per QOS | cool22,preempt | CMS OCG nodes | RHEL 7.4 | /work | College of Marine Science OOL AMD hardware purchase |
hchg | 1 week | hchg, interactive | general-purpose interactive/serial partition | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | *See Preemption Guidelines for more info |
himem | 1 week | memaccess | large memory job queue (>= 64 GB) | RHEL 7.4 | /work | To request access, email |
margres_2020 | Per QOS | margres20,preempt | Margres lab nodes, Integrative Biology | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | |
muma_2021 | Per QOS | muma21, preempt_short | MUMA | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | |
qcg_gayles_2022 | Per QOS | qcg_gayles22, physics22, preempt | Physics 2022 hardware purchase | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | Joint hardware purchase within Physics |
rra | 1 week | rra, rra_guest | Genomics Center/Restricted Research | RHEL 7.4 | /work | HIPAA certification required & audited BeeGFS file system. Uses Omni-Path. |
rra_con2020 | 35 days | rradl | Genomics Center/College of Nursing deep learning partition | RHEL 7.4 | /work | HIPAA certification required & audited BeeGFS file system. Uses HDR Infiniband. Access limited to approved personnel and workflows only. |
simmons_itn18 | Per QOS | sim18,chbme18, preempt, preempt_short | Chemical Engineering GPU nodes.
(30 minute grace period) |
RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | *See Preemption Guidelines for more info. 3 GPU's (GTX 1080 Ti) per node. Uses Omni-Path. |
snsm_itn19 | Per QOS | openaccess, snsm19, snsm19_long, snsm19_special | SNSM grant nodes | RHEL 7.4 | /work_bgfs | 1 GPU (GTX 1070 Ti) per node. Uses Omni-Path. |
- Note: For jobs requiring longer than 1 week to run, please email with your project details (hardware/runtime requested, duration of project, etc).
SC Partitions
SC Partition Layout
The following partitions (aka queues) are available on SC:
Queue Name | Max Runtime | QOS' Required | Description | Notes |
sc | 2 days | none | default general-purpose queue | The default partition if no partition is specified |