SLURM Partitions

Revision as of 20:01, 9 January 2017 by Botto (talk | contribs)

Partition Layout

It is really no longer necessary to discuss queues in the traditional sense. In the past, we would create queues based on pools of hardware resources. If a user wanted to utilize a particular hardware resource, he or she would request the appropriate queue. Most times, however, what the user wants and what is best for the user or what is best for all users are not necessarily the same. Allowing individuals to dictate where their jobs will run will inevitably lead to throughput problems since it would be unreasonable to expect the users to understand the complete state and behavior of the scheduler.

Below is a general description of how jobs make their way through the queue. Please see Scheduling and Dispatch Policy for more information.

When a user submits a job to a specific partiton, the scheduler determines if the requested hardware/time requirements of the job (see Using Features) match up with the resources the partition provides. If it does, the job is executed if there are available resources. If there are no available resources, the job will be held until the next scheduler iteration, to see if resources have become available.

“Available resources” include processors and memory. Processors generally match up to the number of slots in a given queue while memory is defined as a complex value which may not be so obvious to query. If your job is waiting in the qw state, it is likely that either the slots requested or the memory requested are beyond what the system can provide at that particular point in time.

The following node sets are available:

Memory CPU Cores Interconnect Nodes Slots GPUs Complex Flags Location
24GB Opteron 2384 12 4x DDR IB 32 384 n/a ib_ddr, ib_psm, tpa, sse4, sse4a, cpu_amd, opteron_2384 Tampa
24GB Xeon E5649 12 4x QDR IB 107 1284 8 ib_qdr, ib_psm, sse4, sse41, sse42, cpu_xeon, xeon_E5649 Tampa
24GB Xeon E5-2630 12 4x QDR IB 67 804 n/a ib_qdr, ib_psm, sse41, sse42, avx, cpu_xeon, xeon_E52630 Tampa
24GB Xeon E5649 12 4x QDR IB 14 168 n/a ib_qdr, ib_ofa, sse41, sse42, avx, cpu_xeon, xeon_E5649 Tampa
32GB Xeon E5-2670 16 4x QDR IB 129 2064 40 ib_qdr, ib_psm, sse4, sse41, sse42, avx, cpu_xeon, xeon_E52670, gpu_K20 Tampa
512GB Xeon E5-2650 20 4x QDR IB 3 60 n/a ib_qdr, ib_psm, tpa, sse4_1, sse4_2, avx, avx2, gpfs, cpu_xeon, xeon_E52650, mem_512G Tampa
Total 4764 48

The node sets are associated with the following queues:

Queue Name Max Runtime Notes
circe infinite default general-purpose queue
rc2016 infinite general-purpose queue with latest hardware
development 2 hours short-run CIRCE nodes. 4 nodes maximum per job, maximum 3 jobs per user, total of 32 cores all jobs; access with “development” QOS
gpfsgpu infinite CUDA GPU nodes
devgpu 3 hours short-run CUDA GPU nodes
himem 1 week large memory job queue (>= 24 GB)

About Preemption:

Some hardware on CIRCE is provided by research contributors. This hardware is available for use by all CIRCE users by specifying the partition (example: sbatch -p hii01 ./ The caveat however is that as this is contributor hardware, non-contributor jobs running on this partition are subject to preemption.

There is specific grace period (defined above, per partition) before a contributor’s job(s) will cancel the non-contributors job(s). This means that any user taking advantage of the hardware should have some kind of check-pointing enabled, so that interrupted jobs can be re-submitted without needing to start over.